Quickbooks won’t open error is actually a very common error that many people run into. This error can be fixed in 2 different ways – through the QuickBooks Troubleshooting Wizard, or manually by updating your company file. In this guide, we will show you both methods to fix QuickBooks won’t open error.

Fixing Quick Books won’t open error using Troubleshooting Wizard:1. Click on the “Troubleshoot” button situated at the top right corner of your QuickBooks windows.2. Click on the “Start Troubleshooting” button.3. Select the option labeled “Update My Company File ” on the left-hand side.4. Click Next and you will be directed to a screen where you will be able to choose your preferred method for updating your company file. There are a couple of different options that you can select from, depending on if you have a lot of data in your company file, or you just have a few transactions.1) This option is recommended and is the most simple one, this would only involve editing the company file and when you are done, it will update everything in QuickBooks including the Accounts Receivable, Sales Tax, and Shipping accounts.2) This option would involve updating your company file, but it would also update your QuickBooks Payables, Inventory, and Accounts Receivable accounts as well.3) This option would involve updating your company file, but it would also update your QuickBooks Accounts Payable, Sales Tax, and Shipping accounts. So what s the difference? One-time updating is cheaper and you can do it yourself. The other two options would be faster and easier, but more expensive.

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